Thursday 7 January 2010

Locations for our opening scene

  • We used a 3 story house which had a basement to film a number of the shots.
  • We used the attick in Ismail's home to film the shot with the tools and the killer standing over them.
  • We used a bedroom to film the shots with the mother calling the police.
  • We used a street in Handsworth to film the outside shots of the fence, the bush and the creepy house.

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Main plot - character progression

Our first, and so far most developed idea is a horror film based around a masked serial killer, the film follows a psychopathic male in his mid 30's who's condition was brought on after his mother walked out on him as a child. The character suffered mental scarring throughout his teenage years which was added to by school bullies picking on him for his weird nature, he often has nightmares taking him back to the point of his life when his mother walked out on him and wakes up left in a rage which he struggles to control. The first sign of his illness was picked up by a teacher worried about his sudden lack of progression in his school work, he had also noticed that he was an unpopular student and was very much a lone wolf. The teacher advised him psychiatric treatment to build on his social life which he rejected without thought. The character kept a diary throughout school and regularly updated it with hateful messages aimed at fellow classmates. Although deemed weird he had an outward appearance of a calm and harmless nature which is why he was considered an 'easy' target for bullies. As a teenager he picked up an unhealthy obsession with serial killer Ted Bundy who killed what was believed to be around 100 victims. Bundy strangled his victims and later used various hospital tools to bludgeon them, our character imitated these techniques (copycat killer). Ted Bundy was almost a role model to him. His (character) victims were usually in their 20's with long blond hair and a slim build, these targets resembled his mothers appearance at the time he last saw her. The murders occurred in depressive episodes following the nightmares of being abandoned as a child. The film will end with one of the killers victims managing to escape from his grasp and calling the police. When the police arrive the killer is left hiding in a barn surrounded by police but whether he is captured is left out in the open. We decided to end it on a cliffhanger so the audience are left feeling tense and answering questions themselves. This also leaves it open to a sequel film which can be decided depending on the success of this film.
4 ideas for our horror film

1. A middle aged man who's mother walked out on him as a child. He is very unsociable and has no friends due to his strange nature. He was always picked on at school and became a very angry and lonely boy. Now in his 30's he keeps having dreams of when his mother walked out on him as a child and waking up crying and in a panic. It all becomes too much for him and he goes out on the attack brutally murdering women that look similar to his mom. He stalks women that look like his mother and puts up pictures of them in his basement, and one by one he murders the women, crossing them off his list as he goes along.

2. A group of six friends win a free cruise trip online. They were six excited but vulnerable people and when their ship stops off at an island for the day it all went horribly wrong for them. They got off expecting to explore the island and spend a hot day drinking and sunbathing, but this didn't occur. The ship took off leaving them stranded and without food or drink. This was not the end of their worries though as evil tribe folk that rule the island come out hunting them to slay them and eat them. They are in a race against time trying to stay alive avoiding being murdered and being the tribe folks dinner long enough till they can get off the island.

3. A house party held by 18-20 year olds turns sour when someone gets out a Ouija board out. The group are mixed in their opinions of whether it works and if spiritual things will happen. The doubters make their opinions publicly known mocking people who were silghtly freaked out by it. When bad things begin to happen in the room, the skeptics start to think twice about mocking the board but could it be too late and death be the consequence?

4. When a group of friends see a sign saying; "DANGER, DO NOT ENTER" they immediately want to do the opposite and explore whats hiding behind the big gates. They decide to break in at night and see whats so dangerous but everything seems to be normal until they split up and look around different parts of the site. A loud scream echos around the site and they all urgently run towards the noise to find their friend standing their laughing after tricking all of them. The rest of the group are not ammused and continue to look around, but when another scream is heard they all turn a blind eye to which they would regret. When they find their friend dead they are left to fight with just a torch in hand. But how could they overcome something that they yet have seen or found any trace of?

Friday 18 December 2009

Questionnaire summary

The majority of people that answered our questionnaire were aged between 18-21. This is mostly due to the fact we handed most of our questionnaires out around college. More females answered our questionnaire with 60 percent being female. In total we handed out 35 questionnaires.

What was good for us was the fact that horror was the most preferred film on the questionnaire. As our film is going to be a horror that is good with helping us decide what audiences want from a horror film. People said what they enjoy most about horrors is the scary and horrific scenes, also the quick camera shots that make the audience jump. This was surprising finding that horror was the favourite film people chose in our questionnaire, this is because 60 percent of the people who did the questionnaire were female so we thought romantic comedy would be the most popular.

We asked people if they preferred watching horror films at home or in the cinema and the findings were very close with only a few more people saying cinema. The characters they expected to see were innocent victims, big, scary masked men and zombies etc.
Certificate 18 films

Certificates are issued by the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC). In their opinion the film, video or game should not be seen or purchased by a person under 18 years old. The 18 certificate was only created in 1982. For a film to be classified as an 18 in will contain some of the following; hard drug use, supernatural horror, explicit sex, sadistic violence and sexual violence.

Until recently sexual violence and sadistic violence were not even issued a certificate and were seen as not acceptable. According to the BBFC website no drugs promotion is tolerated, only films showing effects of drug misuse are given a classification. The use of bad language in films depends on the language being used; mild bad language could be given a certificate 15 but frequent bad language will be classified as an 18.

Natural nudity is allowed for all classification levels, with sexual content resulting in more restrictive classifications.

If the theme to the film is racial, sexual, paedophilia, drugs or violence it may be classified as a 15 but in most cases will be given certificate 18.

Friday 4 December 2009

Business data for the Horror genre

In 2008 28 horror films were released, bringing in a gross box office take in of 23.4 million. The top performer was Saw V. The horror genre had 126 sites at widest point of release from 28 films, only 5 per cent of films released in 2008 were horror though. Horror films are classified as "15" or "18". The majority of films released in 2008 were certificate "15", 193/527; there were only 51 "18's" released. Certificate "18" films have been consistently the lowest earner, with Sweeney Todd being the best performer of 2008.
Continuity piece